Present _ video

2016, video, 9ʻ 29”

Present was held on the trenches of the Dolina dei Cinquecento in the Carso plateau, above the Military Sanctuary of Redipuglia in Friuli Venezia Giulia, my region. This is the italian borderland to the East Europe lacerated by the paths and tunnels made in the First World War and, in 2016, crossed by hundreds of refugees coming from the Balkan Route: men, women and children who undertook unbearably long voyages towards an unknown future in order to escape violence.

For several months, with the collaboration of some activists and volunteers, I attended many of these people, and from those fundamental encounters new forms of participatory experience have come to life.
I invited some of them together with others who survived the same tragedies in other times, to take part in a shared action in which the union between the place and the thoughts can give rise to an unexplored dimension.
The protagonists are now all inhabitants of my region.
People who witnessed the Second World War, the exodus from Istria, the Balkan war, the Soviet regime, the violence in Congo, in Pakistan, Afghanistan and South America… all were invited to walk along the paths and communication trenches used by the soldiers, tracing the steps of a war that none of them witnessed. They walked out, to gather where only nature has left its mark, and there they shared prayers, words, readings and caring thoughts for a collective vision, looking towards an open passage that is not yet there.
Present meaning a gift. The people who took part in the shared moment gave the testimonies of their experiences as a gift, like a delicate stream of humanity, proceeding with the small steps of each individual, to direct thoughts towards a collective projection.
Present meaning a presence. In many religions and spiritual practices, prayer and caring words are the creation of transformational energy. In this sense the action sought to extend itself to the contemporary world through the momentary disappearance of borders through the comprehension and consonance of the action.
The distance between the different histories, communities and personal experiences of the individuals became a silent choral symphony of steps and places that are now part of history, calling each one of us to question ourselves about the primordial meaning of the meeting.

Previous presentations:

03/05/2016 Casa Cavazzini Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Udine
07/05/2016 Vicino/lontano Premio Terzani, Chiesa di San Francesco, Udine
15/07/2017 Villa Manin, Passariano, Udine, Waiting for RAVE. Anticipations of a posthuman time, text by Pietro Gaglianò
08/07/2016 Art Stays festival Politic(s) Ptuj, Slovenia
24/03/2017 aA29 project room, Milano, The Next Flow, solo show, curated by Pietro Gaglianò
18/04/2017 PAC Padiglione Arte Contemporanea Milano, Appello alla Responsabilità
29/09/2017 Festival dell'Internazionale di Ferrara, Sous les pavés, la plage! curated by Daniele Capra and Serena Ribaudo
26/11/2017 Libreria Martincigh, Udine, in collaboration with the project The Power of Parnership, ALL/Università degli Studi di Udine
24/02/2018 Trieste Contemporanea, Trieste, Present, the power of partnership, crisi ambientale e migrazioni forzate

Shooting supervisor: Giorgio Milocco
Production manager: Marco Rossitti
Photography: Giovanni Andreotta, Michele Codarin, Luciano Gaudenzio
Camera assitants: Ambra Maar Marchetto, Michele Traina
Boom operator: Antonio Petris
Aereal photography: Francesco Granbassi, Drone Dreambox Pictures
editing: Andrea Guarascio
produced by Quasar Multimedia and Vulcano unità di produzione contemporanea
realized within the international conference 'The real wealth of Nations' organized by ALL/Università degli Studi di Udine
in collaboration with: Vicino-lontano Premio Terzani
with the support of Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
under the patronage of Comune di Fogliano-Redipuglia
thanks to: all the protagonists, Antonella Riem, Stefania Zanier, the associations Pro Loco Fogliano Redipuglia-Sentieri di Pace, Anpi, Ospiti in Arrivo, Corima, Ngemba-Yenge, Nuovi Cittadini, Casa Cave, Ucai, Cinampa, Circoli ARCI MissKappa e Cas'Aupa, and all the volunteers and friends that collaborated with this project.


solo show 

curated by Pietro Gaglianò

aA29 Project Room, Milano

The AA29 Project Room is proud to present The Next Flow, the solo show of Isabella Pers that will take place from March 24th to May 31st 2017 curated by Pietro Gaglianò.
The Next Flow collects and combines three of Isabella Pers’ projects, all inspired by the emergence of climate change, political crises, internal and international ones, and the multiple consequences of an unbalanced relationship between human activity and nature.
In the exhibition converge the main themes of the artist's search: the observation of social cultures and natural ecosystems, the need of conditions for a dialogue, the planetary crisis and changes accelerated by globalization and, above all, a strong feeling of individual responsibility. This personal attitude of Isabella is reflected in her artistic practice where relationships are woven, juxtaposed remote worlds from each other, stitched distances. Since the story of Ioane Teitiota, a citizen of the Kiribati Islands, the first climate refugee of this time, Isabella develops an intimate and passionate reflection through the use of photography, painting and video to tell stories of distant people, united by a border destiny and migration, and to launch a call for attention, perception, responsibility.
Isabella Pers lives and works in Friuli. She is co-creator of the artistic project RAVE East Village Artist Residency. Her work has been exhibited internationally in prestigious institutions such as: PAV Living Art Park, Torino; Villa Manin of Passariano; 53. e.c. The International Biennial of Art in Venice; New York Public Library; The Art Venice Biennale Award; University of Udine; 24th Biennial of Design Ljubljana; Zentral Bibliothek, Zurich; Maravee; NDK, Sofia; Italian Market, Hong Kong; Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia; Trieste Contemporanea, Trieste; Site Specific, Scicli; M'Arte, Montegemoli; Royal Palace of Naples; City Art Gallery, Plovdiv; National Library, Buenos Aires; Project Room Museo MADRE, Naples; House of Art of Trieste; Miami-Dade Public Library, Miami; Whitechapel, London; Madison Avenue. Where Fashion Meets Art, in collaboration with the Whitney Museum of Modern Art, New York.


La aA29 project Room di Milano è lieta di presentare The Next Flow, la mostra personale di Isabella Pers che si svolgerà dal 24 marzo al 31 maggio 2017 a cura di Pietro Gaglianò.

The Next Flow raccoglie e coniuga tre progetti di Isabella Pers, tutti ispirati all’emergenza dei cambiamenti climatici, delle crisi politiche, interne e internazionali, e delle molte conseguenze di un rapporto non equilibrato tra antropizzazione e natura. 

In mostra convergono i temi portanti della ricerca dell’artista: l’osservazione degli ecosistemi sociali, culturali e naturali, la necessità di condizioni per il dialogo, le crisi planetarie e i cambiamenti accelerati dalla globalizzazione e, sopra ogni cosa, un fortissimo sentimento di responsabilità individuale. Questa attitudine personale di Isabella si riflette nella sua pratica artistica dove vengono tessute relazioni, accostati mondi tra loro remoti, ricucite distanze. A partire dalla vicenda di Ioane Teitiota, un cittadino delle isole Kiribati, il primo richiedente asilo per cambiamento climatico, si sviluppa una riflessione intima e appassionata che fa uso di fotografia, pittura e video per raccontare storie di persone lontane, unite da un destino di confine e migrazione, e per lanciare una richiesta di attenzione, di percezione, di responsabilità.

   Isabella Pers_THE NEXT FLOW_AA29 Project Room

aA29 Project Room

TEITIOTA, 2015, inkjet print on canvas_90x120cm

PRESENT_MIKE, 2017, installation, oil on canvas, wooden box, 24X28X33 cm

PRESENT, 2016, video / video frame

Isabella Pers: arte impegnata nel sociale

Articolo di Matteo Galbiati, direttore web di Espoarte, sulla personale THE NEXT FLOW alla aA29 project Room di Milano

Isabella Pers: arte impegnata nel sociale